Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"More than a Memory"

Have you ever had the chance to witness true love?  Not the kind of love we read about in fairy tales, but real life, true love?  I have.

These lovely people standing with 18 year old me are my real life example of true love, my grandparents.  Aren't they beautiful?  When you look at these two people, you might think you're seeing two well suited individuals who met, fell in love, and enjoyed a long happy marriage, but you would be wrong.

What you are looking at is the two halves of one soul.  What one lacked, the other supplied enough for the two of them.  When my grandfather lost his hearing, my grandmother was his ears.  When my grandmother's asthma became too bad to allow for regular conversation, my grandfather became her voice.  They would pass notes to each other all day and never missed a beat.  And they danced, not the way that people dance today in crowded clubs with liquid courage, but really danced the way they did in old black and white movies.    They danced as one, twirling through a room with a grace that I've long since given up hope to have inherited.

So why this trip down memory land?  Sherry of Young House Love posted a give away this week. Entry required commenting on a piece of jewelry that you wear every day and why.  I chose to comment on my wedding band.  I know what this ring means to me but sharing that with the blog world was a bit more emotional than I would have imagined.  You see my wedding band (I wear one band that served as my engagement ring and now my wedding band) is not your traditional previous metal ring.  My wedding band is actually a 4 stone dinner ring designed by my grandfather and hand made for my grandmother as a gift, a token of his love for her.
In the year that I have worn it, my ring has come to represent, in my mind, the love between my husband and I.  I forget to remember where the ring came from, the love that originally represented.  I hope that this ring has a memory better than mine.  I hope it recalls the true love that formed it, and I hope that it will carry that love into my own marriage.

I love you honey.

I love you Grandma and Grandpa.

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