Monday, November 7, 2011

"A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord."

You all remember Templeton from Charlotte's Web, you know, the rat.  Well there is this song sings while he runs under the fairgrounds, and it was stuck in my head the whole time we walked around the NC State Fair a few weeks ago.  I think it started when Alexis asked what we were going to do at the fair and Tony answered, straight faced, that we planned to jump in the trash bins and play around.  Gotta love my hubs dry sense of humor.  Makes the kids laugh so what the hey.

Anywho, the girls had a blast.  There were rides, food, candy, and livestock.  We even consented to one of the pay per person side shows that housed live bears in a trailer that from the outside didn't look like it would hold live people let alone half ton bears but it did.  Playful guys too, acted just as I would have imagined gigantic dogs would, playing with tires instead of chew toys.

Alexis had a blast on the rides.  She was terribly disappointed that she wasn't tall enough for most of the rides but she made the most of the ones that allowed her on with an adult.

(poor Tony had to ride the spinning ones with her, I can't handle these beasts anymore)

Bella was even allowed on a few rides: The Mouse Trap (a cat and mouse version of a Haunted House) which Tony and Bella enjoyed while I closed my eyes and did my best to blindly comfort a screaming Alexis and the Ferris Wheel, which we all enjoyed.

Since Bella only got to do a few rides, we found other things that she could do with us.

She had a blast, and I suspect she hardly knew she'd missed out on anything.

I loved watching the girls check out all of the farm animals, especially the cows.

The geese however were another matter

These suckers were trying to bite through the cages.  I'm glad Bella got over her fear of loud knows cause these guys would have sent her packing a few weeks ago.

All in all we had a great time, and fun was had by all.  Tony and I ate ourselves sick, and the girls loved having an excuse to eat all junk food all the time.  I'll leave you with a lovely pic of one of my favorites noms of the day

 (chocolate covered strawberry kabob. I die!)

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