Friday, November 4, 2011

"Its not easy being green"

I have a slightly unhealthy attachment to the color green.  We have been in a serious relationship for about 15 years now and really as much as I love Tony, I don't see Green and I parting ways any time soon.

My poor husband, who was pretty big on neutral and slightly more saturated than pastel colors, has had to adjust his mindset on appropriate color choices for home decor since marrying me.  I LOVE color, and given the choice I'll choose green 9 times out of 10.  The remaining 1 time is because I feel bad for making Tony live in a green room and want to "compromise" with something like say a bright orange (hallway color, LOVE it).  

When it came time for registering for wedding presents, I knew I wanted one thing.  A KitchenAid standing mixer.  If you have one you understand, if you don't you have no idea how much easier your life could be.  Imagine my joy when this bad boy made it's way into my home.

Pinterest is certainly not helping with the obsession.  I can't get this bathroom out of my mind since I repinned it from my sister-in-law's sister's pinterest board.

My lovely, generous, wonderful little 6 year old doesn't help either.  The sweetheart "surprised" me with a green glow stick last night because "I know green's your favorite color, Mom"

(seriously how did I get such a sweetie for a daughter)

And this room by Girl in Air simply makes me giddy

And just to fully stress the point of my obsession.  Check out some wedding pics

(Can you guess Tony's favorite color?)


  1. oh wow i think you might have gotten me hooked on another color! and i luv luv luv your wedding colors!

  2. Thanks M! I'm always looking for someone to join me in the green fan club!
