Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Hi LaLa"

Meet Delilah (LaLa to the verbally challenged).  She's our 10 month old Pit Bull (who is quite a bit bigger than this picture would have you believe).  Anywho, this cutie woke me up at 3am last night (or would it have been this morning?) with sad little crys and yelps of pain.  Of course I immediately rushed to her side and petted her lovingly until she went back to sleep woke Tony and encouraged manipulated him into getting up to see what was the matter.

Poor girl was apparently (since my evil lazy butt didn't get up to actually witness it) scratching and shaking her ears (uh oh).  I did  redeem myself a bit by calling the vet this morning (Tony has a weird thing about calling places, I think it's some sort of phobia, but more on that another day) and took her in this afternoon to get checked out.  I was informed by our very cute incredibly unattractive (love you Tony) veterinarian that the little lady has a bacterial infection in each ear. The face you see here is post cleaning but pre application of soothing medicated drops (you feel her pain, don't you? even the most truly evil step mother would surely crack after a look at that face).  With a $120 bill and 2 weeks worth of cleaner, drops, and meds Ms. Delilah  is back at home (snuggled up to our lab mix, Samson).  Wish us luck for a full night's sleep speedy recovery!

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